Hello, everyone!
I know things are rough out in the world right now. This is the time for us to come together and support each other. My heart goes out to everyone effected by these shutdowns and please keep taking care of yourselves. While my wife and i are in lockdown, I am planning on posting activity pages for everyone these upcoming weeks and doing some drawing time livestream hangouts and storytimes as much as i can. I will post these on my Twitch and YoutTube channels and keep you posted on my Twitter and Instagram. We will definitely gather on the 21st for the virtual Drawing/Pizza party.
I know many things have been cancelled, so I want to still give you the chance to get these prints. We are going to make the new Great Showdowns prints available to you this Wednesday, March 18th at 1pm EST along with the pins that were released this past weekend. “Flowers and the Bear”, “The Horns”, “The Investigation”, and “The Castle” will be waiting to join you in your homes. This will be the usual timed release which means they will be on sale for just 24 hours. The edition size shall be determined by however many have sold in that 24 hour span of time. Sale ends Thursday at 1pm EST. All will be available in the Scott C Shop.
In addition, the “Orange Masked Turtle” and “Joking Man” pins are now available in the shop.
Please take care of yourselves! I will check in with you soon!
“Flowers and the Bear” - $20 (7 x 5 inches, timed release)
“The Investigation” - $15 (5 x 5 inches, timed release)
“The Horns” - $20 (7 x 5 inches, timed release)
“The Castle” - $50 (12 x 12 inches, timed release)
“Joking Man” pin - $10
“Orange Masked Turtle” pin - $10