Hello, everyone! I know we are all deep in our lockdowns right now, entertaining ourselves and keeping as positive as we can. Although many things have been cancelled and shutdown, we are still going to bring you this month’s GREAT SHOWDOWN PRINT RELEASE! We can still celebrate these wonderful moments in CINEMA.
This month’s timed edition prints will become available in the Scott C Shop this Wednesday, April 15th at 1pm EST! Please give a warm welcome to: “The Quacking”, “The Island Roomates”, and “The Grinning Cat”.
This will be the usual timed release which means they will be on sale for just 24 hours. The edition size shall be determined by however many have sold in that 24 hour span of time. Sale ends Thursday at 1:00pm EST.
Stay safe and well, everyone!! Thank you for being wonderful!
“The Quacking” - $20 (7 x 5 inches, timed release)
“The Island Roomates” - $15 (5 x 5 inches, timed release)
“The Grinning Cat” - $15 (5 x 5 inches, timed release)